Final Exams Prep

Final Exams Prep

It’s June! Everyone’s thoughts turn to summer vacation.

Hold on!

If you are a teenager, your thoughts need to turn towards Final Exams Prep…Again. You know that yucky feeling you get in the pit of your stomach at the mere mention of exams? I have a way to minimize it.

Get Organized!

Set Up A Study Schedule. Don’t wait for your school to hand out the exam schedule. The administration knows what it is already. Go get a copy!

Final Exams Prep is the Key to Success. Here’s how:

  1. Ask every one of your teachers whether they are giving an exam and/or an end-of-the-year project.
  2. Write your subjects on the exam schedule so you can see where your heavy days are.
  3. Your cell phone and/or computer has a calendar on it. Enter your exam times by subject, and your due dates for your projects.
    • For your projects, block out two days before their due for finishing touches.
  4. Starting with today’s date, block out 30 minutes to study for your first exam, and another 30 minutes to study for your second exam. That’s 1 hour of studying.
    • For tomorrow, block out 30 minutes to study for your third exam, and another 30 minutes to study for your fourth exam.
    • For the day after, block out 30 minutes to study for your fifth exam, and another 30 minutes to study for your sixth exam.
    • For the day after that, block out 30 minutes to study for your seventh exam, and another 30 minutes to study for your eighth exam.
  5. This first round of studying should consist of collecting your notes, and reading through them with a highlighter.
  6. Make a list of questions and bring it to your teacher. This gives her/him a chance to clear up your confusion before the pressure from the exams is upon you.
  7. Put together a study group for your different subjects.
    • Try to include someone who knows more than you, and someone who needs some help. The best way to learn something is to teach it.
    • Do not include anyone you have a crush on.
  8. The second round of studying looks like #5, or as we say in Science, “Repeat step 5.” This time, set up flashcards for your vocabulary. There are many online flashcard programs, some of which are provided by your text book company to go along with the chapters. Compete with your friends.
  9. Enter all of this into your calendar.

What does this do for you? Over 8 days you will have:

  •  put in 1 hour for every subject
  • collected your notes, tests, study guides, etc. in one place
  • reviewed the year/semester
  • discovered areas of weakness
  • approached the teachers for help with your weaknesses
  • identified and studied vocabulary

Repeat step 5 until exams start. This time, go through the study guide provided by your teacher and highlight everything you know. Your objective is to color the whole thing before the exam.
Once exams begin, block out an hour or two for reviewing and self-quizzing on the day before your exam. Everything will be familiar because you will have gone over your notes, discussed problems with your teacher, and reviewed topics with your classmates.
If you have end-of-the-year projects, block out time on the calendar for the following:

  • Research
  • Design
  • Shopping for parts
  • Assembling and Construction
  • Writing the Rough Draft
  • Proofreading the Rough Draft
  • Re-writing
  • Typing/Printing
  • Decorating

Remember that if you are working with a partner, you will have to find common time to work together AND coordinate with your folks for driving you there. They will really appreciate knowing two weeks ahead of time you need a ride.

Trust me on this.

PLEASE pass this on to anyone who will be taking final exams. This early prep is so effective, my former students used to come see me to make sure they weren’t leaving anything out.

Being organized will minimize your stress level. The less stressed you are, the easier it is to understand and learn.

Good Luck!

What do you do to prepare for exams?

PS Does this post look familiar? That’s because it went out last June. Prepare yourself, because it will be going out next June, too. When Final Exams rear their ugly heads, my unsolicited advice is there!

1 thought on “Final Exams Prep”

  1. Loved! Loved! Loved!
    “I’ve got my thinking cat on”
    “Stay strong”

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