Deborah Ann Davis

S.O.S. Save Our Skin: DIY Face Mask

So, what’s a girl to do? No worries! The Environmental Working Group has taken the guesswork out of selecting a decent facial mask. All you have to do is enter the product in question into their cosmetics database search bar to produce an ingredients list. Each ingredient is rated for harmful effects on the body.

S.O.S. Save Our Skin: DIY Lip Gloss

No problem. Make your own lip products. That way you can be sure what you put into your mouth is safe. If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself! And while you’re at it, invite your daughter to leave her cares behind for a couple of hours, and experiment with you.

S.O.S. Save Our Skin: Celebrating the Hated Pimple

Here’s the thing: If you use a product to clear up your skin when your zits are trying to tell you something is wrong, that problem remains. It grows and festers inside you unchecked. When your face breaks out again, and you need to get a stronger product, the unidentified problem keeps growing inside you.

Iberia Is No More

We arrived at Boston’s Logan International Airport four hours before boarding time. The signs outside indicated that our airline, Iberia, was the first one. Upon entering the international terminal, we were surprised to see it was basically deserted except for a couple of uniformed men standing under a “Porter” sign.


How Early Is Too Early?

Our “bop-pum” story, now a favorite family anecdote, came to mind when heard the podcast today. Based on my own personal experiences, I offer this humble opinion: People are uncomfortable with things that are different. If body vocabulary is made casual within the family, small children will use it indiscriminately outside of the home, where it is not casual. Unfortunately, if their vocabulary is not as innocent-sounding to the rest of the world, they may receive negative feedback… but you may never be made aware of the conflict. Without the knowledge of what your toddlers are experiencing, you are helpless to address it.

Deborah Ann Davis

Work to Live, or Live to Work?

“I offer to pay my employees extra to come in on holidays so I can stay open for the tourists,” the young man told me. “But, they say, ‘No. I’d rather have my time than the money. I can’t get my time back’.” He shook his head, his disapproval more than evident.

How To Reduce Your Footprint on the Earth: Indoor Composting

Earth Day is Sunday, April 22, 2018. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 when I was an unaware 8th grader. As a seasoned teacher of Environmental Science, I am very aware of what a huge carbon footprint Americans leave on the planet, but I’m lazy. I only help the earth when it’s convenient for me.

10 Great Earth Hour Ideas

What are you doing March 24 at 8:30pm? That’s Earth Hour, you know, the event when the world shuts off the non-essentials for an hour in statement of solidarity in support of our planet.

What Happens When the Lights Go Out?

This past December our electric bill was over $500! If there are about 730 hours in a month, shutting off my house would save me less than a dollar. That’s not much, but that’s the beauty of the Ripple Effect. There are about 24,920 households in my town. If only half of them observe Earth Hour, that would be a savings of over $8700 in this town alone.

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