
Deborah Ann Davis

How Can I Help You?

But, at that point I had 15+ years of parent-teen relationships under my belt from my career. Plus, I had discovered my superpower- helping parents bridge the growing gap with their kids.


How Early Is Too Early?

Our “bop-pum” story, now a favorite family anecdote, came to mind when heard the podcast today. Based on my own personal experiences, I offer this humble opinion: People are uncomfortable with things that are different. If body vocabulary is made casual within the family, small children will use it indiscriminately outside of the home, where it is not casual. Unfortunately, if their vocabulary is not as innocent-sounding to the rest of the world, they may receive negative feedback… but you may never be made aware of the conflict. Without the knowledge of what your toddlers are experiencing, you are helpless to address it.

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