Welcome to the Dashboard for

Mothers Day in August

Congratulations on deciding to move yourself forward! We are so happy you decided to join us! The tools in this workshop have the potential to transform your life. Here’s where you intentionally put your feet on the path towards realizing your dreams. Use the energy and positivity of the group and the speakers as your springboard.

You are the sum total of all of your experiences, both positive and negative. Let go of any regrets from your past. Instead, embrace it, because all of those experiences brought you here today, and today is one step closer to you getting what you want.

I recommend that you keep your main focus on absolutely, positively getting the most you can out of each and every moment of the workshop. Participate fully, and you’ll walk away with the motivation you need for your next steps.

Here’s where you start.

Here you will find all the links you need to make a successful workshop! Email info@DeborahAnnDavis.com if you need any help with any of the steps!


1. SIGN Terms & Conditions

2. JOIN the Mothers Day in August Facebook Group

3. Your Workshop Schedule

4. Your Host


5. Mothers Day in August Workbook

6. The Fun Factor Excerpt

7. Personal Tendencies Quiz

8. “Do Not Disturb” Sign


1. SIGN Terms & Conditions

As an attendee of our Mothers Day in August live interactive online workshop from June 2nd to June 5th your attendance and participation require that you kindly read and sign our Terms and Conditions Form before you attend the event.

The following Terms and Conditions are designed to clearly indicate our policies and serve as a disclaimer, participation agreement and audio/video recording release (collectively referred to herein as “Agreement”).

2. JOIN the Mothers Day in August Facebook Group

Join like-minded people seeking to improve their lives in our private Facebook Group, Mothers Day in August As with anything in life, the more you reach out, the more you reach.

Join the group, introduce yourself, and share what you want to get out of this weekend workshop. Don’t forget to support the other members with “Likes” and “Comments.”

3. Your Workshop Schedule

Mark your calendar right now!

WEDNESDAY August 17th: Pre-Event Welcome

  • Doors will open at 5:30pm ET
  • We’ll officially begin at 6pm ET
  • We will end at 7:30pm ET

SATURDAY August 20th: Mothers Day in August

  • Doors will open at 9:30am ET
  • We’ll officially begin at 10am ET
  • We will end at 4:30pm ET

4. Your Host

Award-winning author and motivational speaker, Deborah Ann Davis, the founder (and also a member) of the Awesome Mom Tribe, helps foster positive and healthy relationships in families. A middle/high school teacher for three decades, Deborah has helped countless families navigate the tumultuous, angst-filled teen years. Yes, you can actually enjoy the teen years, instead of dreading them.

B.S., M.Ed., W.I.T.S., Happiness Coach, Certified Personal Trainer.


5. Mothers Day in August Workbook

This manual organizes the processes from the workshop in a way to help you retain what you learn. It’s a lot of material, so plan on taking a day to review what you’ve written, and to complete anything that requires more attention. Done right, this will be a powerful resource for you and your forward momentum.

“The Fun Factor” Excerpt

“The Fun Factor” is an excerpt from my book, How To Keep Your Daughter From Slamming the Door: An Awesome Mom Handbook.

Think back to an activity you used to do together that your dauntless daughter loved when she was younger. Who initiated those good times? It was awesome you! It’s time for you to pick up the gauntlet again. Take a break from all this learning and go have some fun!

7. Personal Tendencies Quiz

The following is a personality test designed to help you understand yourself, with a particular focus on career tendencies. It’s important to note that you may score more points in one category than another, but don’t be surprised if you score more than 6 in every category, because we are complex creatures, with many facets to our personalities.

Adapted from the Holland Code Test at personality-testing.info courtesy Interest Item Pool (IIP)

8. “Do Not Disturb” Sign

Print and put on your door during the event!

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