
Let’s All Sing Like the Birdies Sing

Tweet. Tweet tweet. Tweet tweet. Again, I woke to the morning songbird concert, but this morning my mind toyed with several recent references to the unusual abundance of birdsong. Why are we being blessed with more feathered melodies in our lives?

Tornado Warning? What should I do?

Waiting with my computer… and the older couple hunting for an umbrella substitute because she just got her hair done and doesn’t want to get it wet. Waiting with a young father with two school-age girls sitting on another patio set. He’s kind enough to show me the storm on his phone so we can watch it pass as we listen to it pound the roof. Apparently, my smart phone is smart enough to pull up the same images, but I’m not, so I rely on the kindness of strangers.


There is one species of Firefly that has also developed the ability to flash out the secret code of a completely different firefly species. The unsuspecting male shows up expecting to get jiggy with it (What? Fireflies don’t keep up with slang.), and WHAM! They get eaten.

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