September 2017

Supermom or Awesome Mom?

Supermoms are supposed to single-handedly juggle jobs, families, and love, while tending to our own self-development and growth. In case you believe this fairytale, let me get rid of that pressure for you right now. That’s an impossible myth. Don’t buy into it. Don’t let other people seduce you into buying into it, and definitely don’t let them guilt you into it. It’s a fallacy. Supermoms don’t exist, either. Period.

When Caffeine Becomes Creepy: 10 Surprise Sources

Nowadays, caffeine is the drug of choice. Did you know that chocolate has added caffeine? You can find it listed in the ingredients as Other Flavors or Spices or, my favorite misnomer, Natural Flavorings (which are all code for “we aren’t going to tell you what’s in here”). According to Honor Whiteman in Medical News Today, so are things like jellybeans, waffles, chewing gum and syrup. That’s crazy (in my humble opinion).

The Parent-Teen Tango

This is why you must be in charge of the limits set for all aspects of her life… bedtime limits, homework limits, TV limits, social media limits, emotional limits, freedom limits, time limits, socializing limits, food and nutrition limits, sports limits, time alone in her room limits, shopping limits, relationship limits, etc.

Talking To Teens: Conversation Starters and Stoppers

Begin with baby steps Make your talks short and sweet in the beginning. Chat for a moment or two, and then excuse yourself. If your teen wants to continue the conversation, he’ll follow you out of the room. If he doesn’t, he won’t feel any pressure. It will be a pleasant experience for both of you.

8 Hours For Everything Else

But don’t stop there! Find ways to increase your activity at home. I asked the very creative members of CTRWA what they could do at their homes to increase their daily activity. Here’s some of what they came up with:

10 Fun Fantastic Fabulous Activities

The First Five Fun, Fantastic and Fabulous Summer Activities
> Set up a Quidditch tournament, and form a team.
> Play Capture the Flag, Zombieland version, at a local park…One team Human; One team Zombies.
> Mow the lawn so it looks like a PacMan board, and play your friends.

Life Coaching to transform your lifestyle

Reframe Your Diet: 5 Eye-Openers That Can Change Your Life

You can eat anything else you want, as long as you fit in 4 cups of green veggies every day. It’s easy. One large salad will easily account for 2 cups. Have spinach or collard greens with your lunch, and green beans for supper, and voila!

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