Deborah Davis

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Rocking Your Final Exams

If you are a teenager, your thoughts need to turn towards your Final Exams Prep…Again. Yes, I know April just ended, but it’s time, and who doesn’t love a good strategy for ending the school year strong?
You know that yucky feeling you get in the pit of your stomach at the mere mention of exams? Here’s a way to minimize it.
Get Organized!

That Is Not What That Meant

On her ninth birthday, she announced, “Now that I’m almost a teenager—”
“Hold it!” I had to stop her right there. “You are not almost a teenager. I will tell you when you are almost a teenager.”
“But Mom…

March For Science

Science touches everything we do— including the safety of the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. It affects the kinds of diseases we get and the medicines we use. It dictates what our kids are taught in school, what is discussed in the news, and what is debated in Congress. Science affects the jobs we have, and what powers our economy. It needs our help to remain pure, so join the March for Science.

Snow Shoveling 101: Shoveling During A Storm

I don’t know about your Nor’easter, but my Nor’easter dumps a lot of snow! But it’s so lovely. When I go out in the middle of it to feed the birds (those little flying mosquito-eaters), I shovel a bit.
“What?” you exclaim. “You shovel in the middle of the storm?”
Of course I do. Now, in the middle of the storm. Why should I? Let me count the ways.

The First Kiss Moment – Romance Outside Of A Book

I had kinda pictured this moment of intimacy differently. In the movies, pivotal moments such as The First Kiss Moment usually involved some sort of touching; you know, a cuddle, an arm draped over my shoulder, or at least hand-holding. They hardly ever involved scowling over folded arms.

Snow Shoveling 101: Shoveling Lessons

If you are going to shovel for exercise, Wiggle Writer applauds you. But if you live in CT, you haven’t done much shoveling this year, so be a savvy shoveler. This is how you convert shoveling from an overuse injury producer, into a healthy full-body workout:

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