Deborah Ann Davis

The Controversial States of Matter

Liquids have loosely packed moving particles (your basic atoms and molgallianoecules, but further apart) that take on the shape of the container, but have a definite mass and a definite volume. Think water, cats, Galliano liquor. Good job!

Happy Earth Day!

If you shorten your shower by ONE MINUTE, you can save 10 gallons of water for every shower. If you shower daily, that’s 70 gallons a week. If you get 1 other person to shorten his/her shower by one minute, that would be 140 gallons of water you would be responsible for saving. Be a planet hero!

Interview by Zita Christian

A Tree and a Magical Rune.
A Renaissance Faire and a Gypsy’s Mystical Kissing Booth.
How are they connected? Learn more from this 30 minute interview with Zita Christian,

Girlfriends Night Out

If you live in the Greater Hartford area, come join us for this fundraiser. You never know how your charitable acts will touch another person. Create a Ripple Effect Friday, April 17th at Parkade Cinemas in Manchester.

CTRWA Interview

Have you been given any great advice on writing fiction, or do you have any to impart?
The people who like the same things you do will like your work. The people who have different preferences than you will prefer other types of work than yours. Your job is to figure out how to get your book into the hands of like-minded readers, and not take it personally if someone doesn’t prefer it.

A Competitive Perspective

No matter how you train, or how much you prepare, you cannot control whether you win or lose because you cannot control who shows up to compete against you, whether in sports, in grades, or in job interviews. But no matter who shows up, you can control whether you do your best.

The Conundrum of Curls

Every curly-head has good hair. One careless statement creates a Ripple that can negatively affect a pretty little girl’s self-perception. Words can have a powerful impact. Today we see all types represented in the media. I wish they had been more common 20 years ago. Oh well, at least they’re here now.

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