Taming the Holiday Tantrum – Part 1
A while back I wrote an article about navigating tantrums, which generated quite a few questions. Question #1: Why would a meltdown by an 18-year-old be a tantrum? Does that […]
A while back I wrote an article about navigating tantrums, which generated quite a few questions. Question #1: Why would a meltdown by an 18-year-old be a tantrum? Does that […]
Need some ideas? Here are 10 random ideas that popped into my head while I was thinking up Versatile Venn Diagram Applications
3 Tips to Honor National Child Health Day Hmmm… a day set aside to observe child health? If the Powers That Be were serious about child health, they’d ban the
So, how was your very odd summer? Did you adopt a wait-and-see attitude and hold it together? Or, did you stay glued to the news, and maintain a continuous thread
One of my superpowers (we all have them) is coming up with creative ideas for Family Fun. What could be more fun than an evening of wishing on a shooting
Is your 7 year old, your 11 year old, your 14 year old, or your 18 year old throwing tantrums? Surely you didn’t think tantrums were reserved for pre-schoolers! Whether
We all want our kids to feel happiness, to experience success, to be excited about life, right? However, if we truly want our children to be happy in the world,
Tweet. Tweet tweet. Tweet tweet. Again, I woke to the morning songbird concert, but this morning my mind toyed with several recent references to the unusual abundance of birdsong. Why are we being blessed with more feathered melodies in our lives?
I love it when someone asks me advice. For a person with a blog named Merry Meddling, it’s like pouring gasoline on a fire. Question: My 7-year-old is an advanced
Should My Younger Child Read My Older Child’s Books? Read More »