Mothers Day In October 

Mothers, Isn’t It Time You Took a Day Off? 

The world values time off, as evidenced by the three-day weekend. Everyone knows you can’t work continuously without a break, at least, not without breaking down. So, Mothers, answer honestly – when was the last time you took some time for yourself?

IF you can remember that far back. did your “time off” do its job? Did it actually help you feel sufficiently rested, and ready to jump back into the fray?

Or, did you find you had trouble relaxing during your time off because you felt guilty for not being there for your family? 

Why Do Mothers Feel Guilty About Taking Time Off? 

Awesome Moms all over the country feel steeped in guilt when they try to do something for themselves. Why? Why do mothers expect themselves to be “on the job” 24/7, 365 days a year? After all, any other “job” would have built-in breaks that you would be expected to take.

As a mother, though, you don’t get weekends off, holidays off, or even vacations off. If anything, mothers get one day off a year – and that’s Mother’s Day. That’s gotta change, for your sake, and for your family’s sake.

What if you could learn to prioritize “me time” without feeling unnecessary, unproductive guilt? What if you celebrated Mothers Days more than once a year?

Join Me For Mothers Day In October 

Parenting Strategies

Hi, I’m Deborah Ann Davis. I’m here to help Awesome Moms like yourself realize that you not only deserve guilt-free Me Time – you need it! I’ve spent many years working with Awesome Moms, utilizing my B.S. in education, my M.Ed. in Supervision, and my certification as a W.I.T.S as a Personal Trainer, to help moms just like you navigate the world of parenting. Now, I’m ready to help you, too! 

Get Ready for Our Next Mothers Day Event 

The next Mothers Day Event I’m holding will be on October 15th! Please join me, and other like-minded Awesome Moms like yourself, as we address how to attack Mommy Guilt, bust common Parenting Myths, disarm your Inner-Critic, and evaluate your Self-Awareness! 

If you act fast, you can get early bird pricing for this one-day interactive event, by moms, for moms, and about moms. Don’t wait – you, too, can learn how to reclaim a bit of your life, along with moms who share similar struggles. Come support, and be supported by, other Awesome Moms like yourself this October. 

Enhance Your Happiness! Get Expert Parent Coaching 

I’m Deborah Ann Davis, and I’m dedicated to helping Awesome Moms like you. Don’t feel awesome? Then, you’re in the right place, because my mission is to guide moms like you, to identify what you’re already doing right, and to support the areas that may be a little weak. As a personal coach, author, educator, and speaker, I use all of my expertise to bolster your situation, and help you reclaim your Awesomeness. 

Have questions? Contact me today. Don’t forget to book your Free 30 Minute Chat.

Have questions? Contact Deborah today.

About the Author

Deborah Ann Davis (B.S. in Science Education, M.Ed. in Supervision, and W.I.T.S Personal Trainer Certified) is a parenting strategist and coach.

Whether you’re looking to bring more positivity into your life, or you’re ready to seek the advice of a Parenting Coach, she’s eager to help you put happiness back into parenting.

Deborah has decades of experience dealing with teenagers – as a mother, and as an educator. Over the years, she has helped hundreds of families, using her expertise and experience.

Learn how to improve your mother-daughter relationship today. Every minute you delay prolongs the isolation your child feels while disconnected from you. She’s waiting for you to figure it out, so why not skip the “trial and error” route? 

Don’t forget to book your Free 30 Minute Chat.

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