SMART goals

SMART Goals for the New Year

Now, it’s your turn. Share a goal with your teen you would like to achieve by June. That makes you accountable, too. Come up with an appropriate reward for your achievement. Then create a reward the two of you can share when you both reach your goals. Teamwork!

Back to School

The first hint that school is around the corner is the suddenly cool evenings in August. The second is the first orange leaves scattered among the trees. The third is the endless commercials for Back to School sales. I decided to celebrate the return to academia with my own way…

Final Exams Prep

If you are a teenager, your thoughts need to turn towards Final Exams Prep Again. You know that yucky feeling you get in the pit of your stomach at the mere mention of exams? I have a way to minimize it.

5 Ways to Build Good Homework Habits

2. Work in a public area of the house. Avoid disappearing into a back bedroom somewhere. A measly two hours of homework can easily morph into a labor that extends into the wee hours of the morning, concluding when you fall asleep over the computer without completing your assignments.
Why? Because there are too many distractions.
External Distractions: Instagram. Tumblr. Twitter. Facebook. Pintrest. Email. Chats. MySpace. Music. TV. Gaming. World-building… Internal distractions: Daydreaming. Musing about a crush. Plotting against a foe. Worrying about finishing…
And what about the distraction of legitimate research? Once you delve into the unknown, countless worlds open up to you just waiting to be explored. It’s very hard to stay on course.

Happy New Year! Setting Goals for School

FYI, it takes about a month to create a new habit. If you pursue The Plan with determination, at the end of the month it will become an automatic, comfortable part of your day.

Final Exams Study Schedule

You know that yucky feeling you get in the pit of your stomach at the mere mention of final exams? I have a way to minimize it.

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