Living Better

Mind. Body. Soul. Planet.

Guns or Guidance Counselors?

“The American School Counselor Association recommends a student-to-student counselor ratio of 250:1.”  That means your child is vying for counselor time amongst 249 other kids… if you live in one of the 3 states that meet this criteria. “The national average is 491:1, while in California and Arizona, it’s 822:1 and 941:1, respectively.”
And they think guns are the problem?

Repairing Your Mother-Daughter Relationship

10 Ways to Nurture the Mother

This year, I’d like to suggest an outside the box twist on the traditional Valentine’s Day. Normally, February 14th celebrates that special love between a man and a woman. But for the nearly 12 million widowed women in the USA, Valentine’s Day can represent a day of loss. It can also be painful reminder that they are alone for the more than 53 million women raising families by themselves.
Let’s nurture the women who nurtured us, the women who are raising our next generation. Let’s take them out for Valentine’s Day, or spend the evening with them.
Here’s 10 ways to turn the day that ignores those without a significant other into a celebration of appreciation. Enjoy some quality one-to-one time, or gather a posse of your constituents, and celebrate in style.

8 Hours For Everything Else

But don’t stop there! Find ways to increase your activity at home. I asked the very creative members of CTRWA what they could do at their homes to increase their daily activity. Here’s some of what they came up with:

Life Coaching to transform your lifestyle

Reframe Your Diet: 5 Eye-Openers That Can Change Your Life

You can eat anything else you want, as long as you fit in 4 cups of green veggies every day. It’s easy. One large salad will easily account for 2 cups. Have spinach or collard greens with your lunch, and green beans for supper, and voila!

March For Science

Science touches everything we do— including the safety of the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. It affects the kinds of diseases we get and the medicines we use. It dictates what our kids are taught in school, what is discussed in the news, and what is debated in Congress. Science affects the jobs we have, and what powers our economy. It needs our help to remain pure, so join the March for Science.

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