Awesome Moms

Parenting Strategies with the Venn Diagram

Welcome to the Versatile Venn Diagram, that splendiferous, fabulously perfect illustration for parents and kids of Common Ground. It’s a graphic used to clarify differences and similarities, and in the right hands, can teach your kids how to negotiate gracefully.

How Did I Get Here?*

She has since graduated from the money pit known as Northeastern University, where she earned an advanced degree in Opinion.

Oh, wait. That was what she graduated high school with… No, I was right the first time. She graduated from high school with Attitude, and from college with Advanced Opinion.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining. After all, I raised her, and all that strength and resiliency got her through law school. Objectively speaking, she rocks!

Unsolicited Parenting Advice for Moms of Freshmen

Here is my unsolicited advice for freshmen starting high school. (Freshmen, listen up!)
Keep a tight rein on your freshmen.
Parents, your kid may look more mature and responsible than ever—and s(he) could very well be—but the beginning of the school year is not the time to extend latitude.

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