
How To Make a Healthy Holiday Season: A Crash Course for Busy Moms

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The Healthier Parenting Series is a series of three classes from Parenting Expert Deborah Ann Davis that takes a look at dozens and dozens of tweaks you can do to make your parenting journey saner and simpler.

How To Make a Healthy Holiday Season: A Crash Course for Busy Moms is a class from Parenting Expert Deborah Ann Davis that takes a look at dozens and dozens of tweaks you can do to make your parenting journey saner and simpler.

When your best intentions fade into the sunset, you need simple strategies to help you retain your resolve.

Ahhh, the holiday season. Whichever holidays you celebrate, ‘tis the season of Waistline Attacks. In my world, we barely make it past Halloween, and eating our kids’ candy… I mean… making sure our kids don’t eat too much candy.
And then, we dive right into the Thanksgiving feast, followed by a month of holiday fruitcake and candy canes.

How do you protect your health—and your waistline—when it seems like every other commercial showcases something yummy to eat or drink?

This class’s focus is on food. Why? Because that’s where your focus is going to be.

Purchase access to the Make This Holiday Season the Healthiest Yet webinar to make this the best holiday season. It’s my way of helping you find a calmer middle ground for dealing with the holidays. It will also help rein the rest of your family.

I’ll be sharing invaluable health and wellness information to guide those who wish to maintain good health. (Even during the holiday season!)

Learn How To:

Feel better during the holidays

• Handle holiday eating, including the dreaded holiday buffets

• Get ideas for some healthy holiday fun

How would you like to…

Make an impact on the health of your whole family

Eat better without denying yourself

Feel better during the Holidays

Plus, you can…

Watch more than 30 minutes of impactful content

Follow at your own pace

View on any device

Implement your favorite tools today

And you get…

Tools for strategically incorporating movement into your life, and thus increasing your happiness level

Simple steps to take to create real and positive change in your life

How To Make a Healthy Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us, no doubt. Are you preparing for this November-though-January-marathon? I certainly hope so, because if you are treating the holidays like a sprint, you will burn out quickly.

Get several strategies to get through the holiday season while feeling healthier, which will serve you well going forward. These changes will affect your family, your kids, your spouse, your best friends, your coworkers… everyone who is exposed to your inner happiness!

Learn how to feel better during the holidays

Create and maintain a positive perspective

Take control of your own health, and influence your family’s health


You can purchase this class in a package called The Happiness and Health Series: Crash Courses for Busy Moms. For more information, click here.

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