New England Book Festival
Fairly Certain won Honorable Mention at the New England Book Festival in the Regional Literature category!
Fairly Certain won Honorable Mention at the New England Book Festival in the Regional Literature category!
Unique. That is the word I would use to describe Deborah Ann Davis’s novel and her main character. I loved that the main character wasn’t some casanova or supremely popular kid. He was a bit geeky and had plenty of problems that stemmed from that. It made him compelling and easy to get behind as a character.
Here is the cruise version of the Geek-Mainstreamer Gap, the famous GMG. (Okay, I made that up, but you know it exists. Think about high school.)
The other cruisers had lovely earrings carved out of black coral from Belize and polished to perfection. I had an untreated piece of black coral in its natural form, IMG_1562complete with an embedded shell.
Soooo, what are you doing November 20 to December 17? Visit Night Owl Reviews for their Winter Wonderland Booklover Contest. The Grand Prize is a Gift Card from Amazon for $100!
Join Me for the Winter Wonderland Scavenger Hunt Read More »
The CT Renaissance Faire will have you wiggling with delight. Imbibe some mead. Chomp on a turkey leg. Watch entertainers on a variety of stages. Get your fortune told. Join a parade. Be a spectator at a joust. Learn about old-time crafts. Listen or sing along to music. Relive history. Attend Knight School. Be enchanted by fairies. Gobble Dragon Ice Cream.
2. Work in a public area of the house. Avoid disappearing into a back bedroom somewhere. A measly two hours of homework can easily morph into a labor that extends into the wee hours of the morning, concluding when you fall asleep over the computer without completing your assignments.
Why? Because there are too many distractions.
External Distractions: Instagram. Tumblr. Twitter. Facebook. Pintrest. Email. Chats. MySpace. Music. TV. Gaming. World-building… Internal distractions: Daydreaming. Musing about a crush. Plotting against a foe. Worrying about finishing…
And what about the distraction of legitimate research? Once you delve into the unknown, countless worlds open up to you just waiting to be explored. It’s very hard to stay on course.
FYI, it takes about a month to create a new habit. If you pursue The Plan with determination, at the end of the month it will become an automatic, comfortable part of your day.
You know that yucky feeling you get in the pit of your stomach at the mere mention of final exams? I have a way to minimize it.
There is one species of Firefly that has also developed the ability to flash out the secret code of a completely different firefly species. The unsuspecting male shows up expecting to get jiggy with it (What? Fireflies don’t keep up with slang.), and WHAM! They get eaten.