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Merry Meddling Blog

What do you get when you distill down
decades of experience with teens and parents?
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Let’s All Sing Like the Birdies Sing

Tweet. Tweet tweet. Tweet tweet. Again, I woke to the morning songbird concert, but this morning my mind toyed with several recent references to the unusual abundance of birdsong. Why are we being blessed with more feathered melodies in our lives? Glad you asked. “Every bird loves to hear himself ...

Replace College Uncertainty With Gap Time

Your college-bound teens are scared. Their worries about what the fall will bring adds to the unwanted tension in your household. Why not switch it up? Instead of allowing teen anxiety about college to ramp up, replace fall matriculation with Gap Time. According to Jane and Jason Sarouhan of J2Guides, there’s ...

Should My Younger Child Read My Older Child’s Books?

I love it when someone asks me advice. For a person with a blog named Merry Meddling, it’s like pouring gasoline on a fire. Question: My 7-year-old is an advanced reader and she really wants to read her middle school brother’s books. Do you think that’s okay? She listens to ...

Sneak Peek for Some Quarantine Fun

Is your family getting more cranky than usual? Does everybody want to stay in their pajamas and skip brushing their teeth? These are classic signs that your family is in the doldrums. It’s time to shake things up a bit with a family project. Yes, “How To Keep Your Daughter ...

Embrace Your Multiple Mom Roles

Have you ever had your daughter blow up at you when you were offering sage advice? Probably not, but it used to happen to me, and all that wise advice would go to waste. That is, until my Darling Daughter informed me that she didn’t want my advice. What? Well, ...

The Happiness Survey

As life changes around us, we have to actively promote our happiness in order to keep the level high. I came across a happiness survey at https://www.happycounts.org/take-the-happiness-survey.html and took it. Here are my results: This is a snapshot of my life while I’m recovering from a virus and trying to launch my ...

Equal Pay Day

Equal Pay Day for ALL Women should be on December 31, 2019 but it's not. The next Equal Pay Day is Tuesday, March 31, 2020. This date symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. Here are a few stats ...

Valerie Lane Simonsen on Viral Anxiety in Children

I reached out to some experts I admire to ask about how they would handle the Viral Anxiety in children.   Global Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Valerie Lane Simonsen, ND, responded below. I followed her comments with my two cents worth.                         ...

Homeschooling Resources For the Viral Vacation

No school? For how long? As schools close all over the country, parents have two issues to face: How to find someone to supervise their kids while they’re at work How to continue their education Many school systems are scrambling to figure out a way to deliver lessons electronically (which ...
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